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时间:2020-09-12 11:23:54点击:

总会有那么个瞬间 让你觉得生活温柔又可爱

There will always be a moment when you feel that life is gentle and lovely

世间还没给你的温柔都在路上 慢慢来 别急

The world has not given you the gentle on the road slowly don't worry.

所有的糟糕都是经历 所有的美好都会在最后相遇

All the bad is going through all the good will meet in the end

没有人值得你流泪 值得的人也不会让你流泪

No man or woman is worth your tears, and who is, won't make you cry

下次遇见你 一定是晴天 风很甜 阳光很暖

Next time I meet you, it must be sunny, the wind is very sweet, the sun is very warm


You can get away from anything that consumes your happiness

活在这珍贵的人间,太阳热烈 水波温柔

Live in this precious world, the sun warm waves gentle

频道记录着 只因生活值得

The channel records just because life is worth it